Street Magic Trick! Make (Any) Thing Disappear In Front Of Your Nose
How To Do Street Magic Like Criss Angel And David Blaine!
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This trick is easy, even for beginners. What you do is make a thing disappear right in front of your audience. however because this trick don't use a lot of skill then you must do this trick with a short distance between you and your audience.
What you will need is just a tiny object, such as ball, paper, plastic or etc. You may use anything but they mustn't make any noise while they fell off.
This is the trick...
Take an audience, chit chat and then say "I'm going to make this ball disappear right in front of you only in count of three. Ready?" Grab the ball with your right hand and move it up and down, together with your count. "In One, Two and Three and there It's gone" While you said three, quickly throw the ball that you grab with your right hand to your back as for as possible.
And you won't have the ball anymore and your 'victim' won't find it either. The only negative side of this trick is, while you throw your ball to your back, other People will notice it and your secret will be discover.
My suggestion is move your feed from that place as soon as possible. That's the end.
Sugi General Manager of - Learn FREE Magic Tricks For Rookie Magician
Labels: fire-magic-trick, floating-card-magic-trick, free-david-blaine-magic-trick, free-easy-magic-trick, free-learn-magic-trick, free-magic-card-trick, free-magic-coin-trick, free-magic-trick